Elizabeth Meadows (emeadows317)
Connected studies and activities

The Preference Project Circles Genevieve Genome Report Keeping Pace Cross-Genome Error Check GenomiX Genome Exploration Open Humans Healthkit Integration Open Pokemon GO GO GO! Pokemon Go: A Socio-Technical Exploratory Study Twitter Archive Analyzer Personal Data Notebooks Fitbit Connection Galileo 23andMe Upload AncestryDNA Upload uBiome Upload Data sharing and ethical oversight Harvard Personal Genome Project Genetics of Personality Type UbiQomix Microbiome Exploration Public Data Sharing
About me

I have INTJ preferences; divorced with two grown children; social dancer; a fan of movies and parlor games; a non-practicing Unitarian interested in Buddhist teachings; a psychology undergrad and a library science master; a member of Gulf Coast Mensa; interested in psychological type; revitalized and inspired by nature

I am philosophical, natural, and intense.

Public data

23andMe Upload

(23.6 MB) 23andMe full genotyping data, original format
(8.8 MB) 23andMe full genotyping data, VCF format

Fitbit Connection

(3.8 MB) Fitbit data.

Genetics of Personality Type

(157 bytes) Your personality type (i.e., INTJ, ESFJ) as determined using three personality questionnaires as part of the Genetics of Personality Type Research Study.

Harvard Personal Genome Project

(7.2 KB) PGP Harvard survey data, JSON format.

Open Humans Healthkit Integration

(3.7 KB) JSON dump of Healthkit Data
(1.6 MB) JSON dump of Healthkit Data
(4.6 MB) JSON dump of Healthkit Data
(5.1 MB) JSON dump of Healthkit Data
(818.7 KB) JSON dump of Healthkit Data

Twitter Archive Analyzer

Elizabeth Meadows Twitter Archive Zip File 12242017.zip
(283.4 KB) Twitter archive file

uBiome Upload

(31.1 KB) uBiome 16S taxonomy data, JSON format.
(30.2 MB) uBiome 16S FASTQ raw sequencing data.